![Before](//C1-preview.prosites.com/28899/wy/images/AlloDerm free gigival graft1.jpg)
![After](//C1-preview.prosites.com/28899/wy/images/AlloDerm free gingival graft.jpg)
Before After
Gums that recedes to expose the root surfaces of teeth.
If your gums have receded, most of them can treated with gingival graft to cover a portion of the exposed root surface and to reinforce the fragile, receding gum tissue to protect from further recession. Also common to receded gums is sensitivity that results from the exposed root surface. We can treat it with Pinhole Surgical Treatment (PST), gingival grafting, which reduce sensitivity of these root surfaces and help protect the now vulnerable root surface from decay, which is devastating to longevity of the teeth.
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