BOTOX® Therapeutic Dentistry for Temporomadibular Joint Disorders (TMD)
Botox is widely used cosmetically for the temporary improvement in the appearance of some facial wrinkles.
Botox is also used to relieve muscle tention that causes headaches and temporal & jaw pain that can be associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problem known as TMD (Temporomadibular joint dysfuction).
Indications for Botox Theraupetic Treatment :
1. Myofacial pain
2. TTH (Tension-Type headache) originating from chewing muscles ( lasts 30 min to 7 days )
3. Bruxism (grinding) & Clenching
4. Masseteric hypertrophy
5. Rhytides, gummy or asymmetric smiles
6. Migrain headaches
7. Dental Implant
The national headache foundation classifies approximately 90% of all headaches as muscle contraction headaches.
Occlusal splint is a excellent appliance for treating grinding and clenching that causes acute and chronic head and jaw ache. In conjuction with occlusal splint, therapeutic Botox is also an excellent treatment for relieving acute and chronic head and jaw pain. As studies show, if untreated, the grinding (bruxism) and clenching that are associated with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) may cause damage to the teeth, jaw joints, gums and dental restoration such as crowns, veneers and implants.
Call or Click for your free consultation (909) 945-2002
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